
August 22, 2018


This month, the podcast is focusing on getting strong for the life God has and is calling us to live. How many times did God challenge those in the Bible to “Be strong?” Well, it depends on how many variations of this phrase you want to research. “Be strong” carries the same idea as the phrases “do not fear,” “do not worry,” “stand firm,” and “wait on the Lord.” When you consider all that, God’s desire for His people to be strong is all throughout His Word. And I believe the same is true for us today.



In the beginning of 2018, I asked God for a Word-of-the-Year. I wanted one central word to focus my intentions and effort on as I set goals and planned my personal growth for this year. The word that overwhelmed me was “STRONG!”

The more I considered this word, the more it made sense as to why “strong” needed to be my word for this year. After some very physical challenges in the last months of the year, 2017 left me feeling weak, under equipped, and burned out. I needed to get my rear in gear if I was going to thrive in this life I had so desperately prayed for. I felt God challenging me to show up and be strong here in this life that He had given me. And I also felt Him gently encouraging me to ask for His help in a greater way.

As a reminder to myself and a public declaration to those around me, I started a hashtag #BeStrongHere. This was my way of reminding myself to be intentionally strong in spirit, soul and body, so that I could be strong for my family, friends, and the world around me. It was also my public plea for God to show up strong in my life and situation as well. “Be Strong Here, in this place, right now, God!” has been the cry of my heart this year. And I have been amazed at the unconventional ways He has answered that prayer so far.



Is it just me, or does everything seem to start over in the Fall of the year? Most people are either in school or have kids in school, which usually means the beginning of new rhythms and routines. Even for those who aren’t immediately affected, there just seems to be this attitude that summer is over and now it’s time to get down to business. With that sort of seriousness in the air, it seems to be the perfect atmosphere for setting new disciplines in motion. Also, cooler weather has me looking forward to the holidays, which makes me think of wrapping up unfinished tasks and shutting down another year. The combination of all this makes September the ideal time of year to focus (or refocus) on goals and personal growth.



For the month of September, we are going to take the opportunity to focus on strength and health in four areas of our lives. Our goal is to…

  • Be Strong in Spirit – through consistent Bible reading, prayer and worship
  • Be Strong in Mind – through memorizing 5 key verses from the daily Bible reading
  • Be Strong in Body – healthy eating and exercise
  • Be Strong in the World – show up strong in compassion, resources, and encouragement to those around us

I have asked our good friend Misty Drake to join me as co-host for this series. As with any new focus, accountability and community are crucial for success. As Misty and I walk these 30 days together, I am hoping you will join us too.



  1. Listen each Friday and share the show with a friend. Talk about the topics and stories we shared on the show with someone in your every-day life. Then share your own challenges and victories with that friend.
  2. Jump in to the reading and memorization plan, choose a heathy eating plan, and exercise routine. Check out the links below if you want to do what we are doing, or choose your own.
  3. Join and share your experiences in our closed group Facebook group.

Remember, the point is not to be perfect. The point is to get strong so we can be strong for the days ahead.



BeStrongSeptember Bible Reading Plan

We chose Philippians and Colossians because of the author’s strong focus on identity and strength in Christ. Paul also talks a lot about his personal struggles and how the Holy Spirit sustained him through it all. These are some of my favorite parts of the Bible and I am encouraged in new ways each time I study these passages.

A resource Misty and I will be using (in addition to the above reading plan) is the Joy in Christ bible study from The Daily Grace Co. I have used several of their bible studies over the last few years and absolutely love them. Their studies are organized into short daily readings, paired with to-the-point commentary for each day.  I am not an affiliate. I just really love this company and want to share their amazing resources with you!

BeStrongSeptember Exercise Plan

Ok, when you see this plan, some of you might laugh and that’s ok with me. It’s easy. It’s quick. It doesn’t require equipment. And it will get us moving a little bit each day. Some of us have to start somewhere, right? And hopeful it will lead to more challenging plans in the future.

Whole30 Eating Plan

We chose Whole30 because of it’s discipline and commitment to real whole foods…and because of all the free resources and support. 🙂  I completed one round of Whole30 last September and found it to be more of a spiritual fast of sorts. My body not only felt “cleaner” when the 30 days were done, but my mind and spirit felt refreshed and encouraged as well. But, if you are new to this elimination diet, you are not alone. This will be Misty’s first experience with the program, so you are in great company.



We are so excited to get this series started. I hope you can hear and feel the expectancy we have for #BeStrongSeptember. Please head over to the Facebook group and let us know you are in! Then download the resources above or choose your own plan of action. August 31 is our Intro Show, and then everything kicks off Sept 1. Let’s Get Strong, y’all!

♥ – Jennifer

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